Top 7 Tips for your Hijab Journey
My journey could have been easier if I had the right tools on hand when I first started wearing hijab.
It truly would have given me more confidence on my hijab journey. Unfortunately, I didn't really know what those "tools" would have been.
I watched a multitude of tutorials online. And just kept thinking, that my head must just be a wierd shape, and that all of them looked like they were angels in hijabs, meanwhile I felt like Shrek lol.
Having embraced hijab in my mid 20's (meaning the early 2010s) there were not that many options to purchase hijabs locally for me.
I lived in a small town that had a limited muslim population back then, and didn't have any stores catered to hijabs or modest dressing.
I could have driven to the next city over, but that meant packing up my 1 year old with me (who did terrible with car rides), or waiting for a weekend we were free to head on over.
So I did the next best thing.
I hopped online and sourced out an online hijab store that had pieces that looked like something I may actually wear, and wouldn't cost me over $30 a piece.
I didn't do very well in my search unfortunately. I realized there weren't that many online options. And the ones I did find either didn't have the style I wanted, or were too expensive for me. My first online hijab purchase ended up being from the UK, and unfortunately not so great, with fabrics I didn't enjoy, printed hijabs I wouldn't wear, and accessories that were unnecessary for me.
My vision with ZAHNAH has been to bring affordable hijab options, with a good variety of styles, fabrics and colors for all. My aim is to bring fashion forward options, and something for everyone!
If you are a new hijabi, or considering wearing hijab soon, here are my top tips for you!

Tip #1 : Try different fabrics
It is very easy to fall into a specific style or fabric. Or trying that one hijab and thinking "okay, this is it". But the truth is, there are so many fabrics and prints and styles to choose from. Sometimes what we think is our go-to style, actually ends up being something completely different from what we imagined.
Or what looks good on one person, may not necessarily be the style for another.
So be open to trying different fabrics and drape styles.
Tip #2 : Do not skip the undercaps
When I was following Youtubers that wore hijab, so many of them would promote a no-cap-style. And so naturally I thought that would be the easier way to go. Unfortunately, it meant my hijab was always slipping and I was constantly adjusting the fabric and pins.
It was only after I got myself an undercap (also called an underscarf) that my pins started staying in place and my hijab didn't need to be adjusted five times an hour.
The style of undercap also matters. The tiebacks are nice because you can adjust how loose or tight you want them to feel. But the tube style is also nice, because it stays put without having to worry about it ever coming loose.
Trying one of each would help you decide where your comfort lies.
Tip #3 : The volumizing scrunchie is for more than just volume
When I first saw the volume scrunchies hijabis were wearing, I though they were kind of funny looking. To be fair, I wore them way to high for my liking back then.
The Volumizing Hijab Scrunchie actually plays a very major role in keeping your hijab in place. It provides that extra traction, so that the hijab does not slip, and actually, even the undercap!
My hair was very long when I first started wearing hijab, so my mistake was putting a bun up super high, and then adding the scrunchie on top of it. It just made it look like a huge mountain on my head, one that I regret (and laugh at lol) looking back at pictures. Remember, you can always adjust how high or low your hair will be tied under your hijab. There is no hard and fast rule.
Tip #4 : Try different wrap styles
Life was too easy if it was one-size-fits-all. I look back at my pictures from a decade ago, where I had easily 3 to 4 folds when I wrapped my hijab. Every fold had to drape a certain way, and almost look like a work of art.
My best advice - you do YOU! Do what feels right! Do what makes you feel good and confident! If it means putting in 10 folds, do it!
If it means you want a simple wrap around style, thats okay too! You will find that with time you will get more confident, and find your groove, and the style that makes you feel the most like YOU.
It doesn't have to be an immediate discovery, and it probably won't be! So take your time and do what feels right. My look changes depending on the outfit, the weather, the event and sometimes just how I'm feeling.
Tip #5 : Hijab pins are not optional
Pins are naturally what hold your hijab in place. The placement of those pins will determine how comfortable you feel. As time went on, I learned to get more creative with my hijab pins. I started by just pinning my hijab to my hair (with an underscarf on first). I then realized I could get more created and started using snagless pins to pin the hijab to my shirts as well (discreetly of course). I made sure I still had good movement, but it became one of my go-to methods to pin, and forget about it!
Tip #6 : You do not need to be the perfect hijabi
One of the greatest transitions and changes I witnessed in my own life, was how my wardrobe changed as I became comfortable with hijab. I am embarrassed to share (but I still will to give you a good laugh) that in my early hijab days, I once wore a shirt with itty bitty cap sleeves probably covering just 3" of my arm, with my entire arm bare, and my hijab wrapped on top. Yes, I was naive. I have come a long way!
Although I do hope you are a bit more in tune than I was back then. I also want you to remember that this journey is about growth. It's about becoming closer to Allah. What you are comfortable with today, may completely change in five years from now. My wardrobe has done a complete overhaul in this last decade.
I put off hijab for a long time telling myself I needed to get a new wardrobe before I could start hijab (in hindsight, I was avoiding wearing hijab).
So be kind and gentle with yourself. Take baby-steps and know that it's okay if you make mistakes, you are human after all, and your change will not come overnight.
Tip #7 : Ignore all judgements
The truth about society is, that you can never make everyone happy. Someone will always have something to say about you, whether it's with or without hijab.
I do aim to conduct myself with more class, more grace, more kindness, as I am hyper aware that my hijab represents my faith, and I do consciously aim to be a good Muslim, and a better person than I was yesterday.
But that being said, people will talk if you wear hijab, and they will still talk even if you don't. So don't allow others opinion to sway your decision in whether or not hijab is right for you.
Do it for you, and only you.
I hope these tips help you in becoming more confidant while on your hijab journey. It can be daunting and overwhelming when starting something new. So take it one day at a time, and remember, progress is better than perfection.